An IntelliDrive application for reducing traffic congestions using agent-based approach

Systems and Information Engineering Design Symposium(2010)

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Traffic congestion on highways has increased dramatically in the last two decades. As more and more cars are put on the road each year, traffic congestion is becoming more complex and unpredictable than ever before as people try to avoid it by changing their schedules and routes. IntelliDriveSM is a suite of technologies and applications that use wireless communications to provide connectivity that can deliver transformational safety, mobility, and environmental improvements in surface transportation . This paper will present an IntelliDrive agent-based model of traffic congestion and examine the impact of one vehicle on a system limited to a single traffic lane. The cars interaction is based on IntelliDrive vehicle-to-infrastructure communications. The mean speed of the cars is analyzed and the evolution of traffic congestion is observed with the passage of time. Can a single agent influence the dynamics of traffic flow on a complex network? Furthermore, can an "Intelligent-car" annul the oscillatory behavior (stop and go) resulting from the acceleration and deceleration of the other vehicles? Theoretical results are presented and a solution to reduce traffic congestions and also minimize accidents is also proposed, based on implementing one IntelliDrive-equipped vehicle, among a certain number of cars in a single-lane circuit. The approach that was finally selected and several other schemes that were considered are described.
automated highways,automobiles,radiocommunication,traffic engineering computing,intellidrive agent based model,intellidrive vehicle to infrastructure communication,intellidrivesm,highways,intelligent car,single lane circuit,surface transportation,traffic congestion reduction,wireless communications,wireless communication,complex network,acceleration,complex networks,oscillators,vehicle dynamics,samarium,traffic flow
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