
Note: On modeling techniques in active contours

ICSP), 2012 IEEE 11th International Conference(2012)

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For active contours, modeling techniques are represented by simulation and visualization of the objectives to their counterparts in physics, geometrics and graphics, etc. The goal of adopting this concept is to address several major difficulties in active contours for segmentation, both theoretically and practically. Based on this technology, in theory, by interpreting the equations with physical meaning, it proves that each term in Geometric Active Contours (GAC) and Snakes is correspondent and has similar function. This approach can also illustrate their differences. In practice, the obstacle of multi-object segmentation by Snakes can be overcome visually through simulating the inflation of the balloon in a closed space. The precision of the edge based GAC is not satisfied. By imitating the light propagating in the isotropic substance, this trouble is easily solved. Utilization of the electrostatic field and heat diffusion principles can establish a fusion scheme to create an image force field, which guarantees both the accuracy and the speed of the shape recovery process. In conclusion, the modeling technique transfers one question to its analogy and fast the procedures of solving some problems. The applications show vast prospects of this technology in image analysis.
electric fields,feature extraction,image segmentation,light propagation,snakes,electrostatic field,fusion scheme,geometric active contours,geometrics,graphics,heat diffusion principles,image analysis,image force field,multi-object segmentation,physics,heat diffusion,image force,level sets,modeling
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