Respostas religiosas à aids no Brasil: impressões de pesquisa acerca da Pastoral de DST/Aids da Igreja Católica.

Fernando Seffner, Cristiane Gonçalves Meireles da Silva,Ivia Maksud,Jonathan Garcia,Luís Felipe Rios, Marcelo Natividade,Priscila Rodrigues Borges,Richard Parker, Veriano Terto

Ciencias sociales y religion = Ciencias sociais e religiao(2008)

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Religious Responses to AIDS in Brazil: Preliminary findings on the AIDS Pastoral of the Catholic ChurchThis text is structured in four parts. First, we present considerations related general to information about AIDS in Brazil, the relationship between religion and AIDS, sexuality, AIDS and the separation between church and state - as well as a clearer definition of the project of Religious Responses to AIDS in Brazil, the project from preliminary data was drawn. Next, we focus on the AIDS Pastoral of the Catholic Church: its history, structure, and mission. Third, we delve further into questions related to the AIDS Pastoral, such as the separation between religion and the state, relations between leaders of the pastoral and the hierarchy of the Church, and questions tied to sexuality and AIDS. Finally, we present bibliographic references and other resources.
religion,bioinformatics,biomedical research
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