
Differential changes in inhibin A, activin A, and total alpha-subunit levels in granulosa and thecal layers of developing preovulatory follicles in the chicken.


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Accumulating evidence implicates inhibins and activins as endocrine and local regulators of follicular development in mammals, and it was recently confirmed that inhibin/activin alpha and beta A genes are also expressed in the avian ovary. To investigate the potential involvement of these proteins in the chicken ovary, thecal and granulosa layers of the four largest follicles (F1-F4) and the most recent postovulatory follicle were collected from hens (10/group) killed 4, 12, and 20 h before the expected time of F1 ovulation. Inhibin A and activin A concentrations of tissue extracts (expressed per mg DNA) were measured using validated two-site enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays; total immunoreactive inhibin alpha-subunit (ir-alpha) was also measured by heterologous RIA (Monash assay). Inhibin A and ir-alpha were largely confined to the granulosa layer, whereas activin A was much more abundant in the thecal layer. Granulosa inhibin A contents were similar in F4 and F3, but increased approximately 40-fold from F3-F1 (P < 0.0001). As such, the F1 granulosa layer was by far the richest source of inhibin A in the chicken ovary, but contained very little activin A. Total ir-alpha in granulosa was much more abundant than inhibin A and increased only 3-fold from F4-F1 (P < 0.001). Activin Ain both granulosa and theca showed little variation between F1 and F4 follicles (by ANOVA, P > 0.05). The inhibin A content of F1 granulosa was maximal 12 h before ovulation and had fallen approximately 6-fold (P < 0.0001) within 8 h, suggesting an inhibitory effect of the preovulatory LH surge on the F1 capacity to synthesize inhibin A. Inhibin A, activin A, and ir-alpha were all less in the postovulatory follicle compared with F1 before ovulation (P < 0.0001). In conclusion, application of the present two-site enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays to the chicken ovary revealed 1) divergent tissue distribution of inhibin A and activin A within preovulatory follicles, and 2) differential regulation of granulosa cell production of inhibin A and activin A dimers during preovulatory follicular development. These findings of dynamic changes in inhibin A, activin A, and total ir-alpha support the hypothesis that these proteins subserve regulatory roles during preovulatory follicular development in the hen.
Follicle Development
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