
Preoperative and Postoperative Developmental Attainment in Patients with Sagittal Synostosis: 5-Year Follow-Up

Journal of neurosurgery Pediatrics(2011)

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Object The object of this study was to clarify whether improved developmental attainment following surgical correction of sagittal synostosis (SS), previously identified at initial postoperative assessment, is maintained at longer-term follow-up at 5 years of age. Methods The study involved 32 children with SS who underwent corrective surgery at a mean (± SD) age of 8.5 ± 7.25 months (range 2.8–39.9 months). All the children were assessed preoperatively, at 7 months postoperatively, and at 5 years of age, using the Griffiths Mental Development Scales. A control group consisted of 23 children with SS who had received developmental assessment on 2 or more occasions without surgical intervention (8 of these children had had follow-up at 5 years of age). Results The data indicated that, prior to surgical correction, children with SS had poorer Gross Locomotor function than other areas of development and that, following surgical intervention, the deficit resolved (even where there was severe developmental delay). The results further showed that improvement in Gross Locomotor function observed at 7 months postoperatively was further improved upon by 5 years of age. The same was true for their overall General Quotient, even in those children exhibiting severe developmental delay. Lesser improvements across time were shown for other skill areas. The children with SS who did not undergo surgery did not show any improvement in development, and in fact a deterioration in fine locomotor control was identified in these patients. Conclusions The results of this study suggest that corrective surgery for SS has a positive early impact on development, which is maintained and improved upon by 5 years of age, and that this surgery therefore offers more than simply a cosmetic improvement. Furthermore, the results suggest that not operating on children with SS means not only that this opportunity for developmental gain is missed, but that it may also cause an actual deterioration in developmental attainment.
sagittal synostosis,developmental attainment,locomotor development,craniofacial surgery,children
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