
Regulation and Consequence of Serine Catabolism in Streptococcus Pyogenes

Journal of bacteriology(2011)

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ABSTRACT The Gram-positive bacterium Streptococcus pyogenes (also called group A Streptococcus [GAS]), is found strictly in humans and is capable of causing a wide variety of infections. Here we demonstrate that serine catabolism in GAS is controlled by the transcriptional regulator Spy49_0126c. We have designated this regulator SerR (for serine catabolism regulator). Microarray and transcriptional reporter data show that SerR acts as a transcriptional repressor of multiple operons, including sloR and sdhBA. Purified recombinant SerR binds to the promoters of both sloR and sdhB, demonstrating that this regulation is direct. Deletion of serR results in a lower culture yield of the mutant than of the wild type when the strains are grown in defined medium unless additional serine is provided, suggesting that regulation of serine metabolism is important for maximizing bacterial growth. Deletion of sloR or sdhB in the ΔserR mutant background restores growth to wild-type levels, suggesting that both operons have roles in serine catabolism. While reports have linked sloR function to streptolysin O expression, transport experiments with radiolabeled l-serine reveal that the sloR operon is required for rapid acquisition of serine, suggesting a novel role for this operon in amino acid metabolism.
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