
Therapeutic hypercapnia enhances the inflammatory response to endotoxin in the lung of spontaneously breathing rats.


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Objective: To test the hypothesis that therapeutic hypercapnia enhances the proinflammatory responses to endotoxemia in the lung and spleen of rats. Design: Prospective randomized study. Settings: Hospital research institute. Subjects: Forty-eight adult male rats. Interventions: Rats were randomly assigned for a 24-hr period to four breathing groups (n = 11/group), including air (controls), normoxic air with 5% CO2 (therapeutic hypercapnia), air and endotoxemia (5 mg/kg endotoxin), and therapeutic hypercapnia with endotoxemia. After euthanasia, the lung and spleen were removed for pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokine analyses and pulmonary histology evaluation. Four additional rats were used to examine changes in gas exchange and acid-base balance during exposure to therapeutic hypercapnia with and without endotoxemia before and at 4, 12, and 24 hrs into the study, using a permanently catheterized femoral artery. Measurements and Main Results: The ratios of proinflammatory cytokines (interleukin-1 beta [IL-1 beta] and IL-6) and an anti-inflammatory cytokine (IL-10) in the lungs and spleen were used as indices of inflammatory status. The wet-weight to dry-weight ratios, histologic changes in lung interstitial inflammation, and alveolar structures were used as indices of endotoxin-induced acute lung injury. IL-1 beta and IL-6 expression was significantly high in the lung of therapeutic hypercapnia-treated endotoxemic rats compared to the lung of rats subjected to only endotoxemia (p < .05 and p < .001, respectively). In the spleen, therapeutic hypercapnia-treated endotoxemic rats had low expression of IL-1 beta and IL-6 compared to rats subjected to only endotoxemia (p > .05 and p < .001). Therapeutic hypercapnia following endotoxemic challenge was associated with a proinflammatory response in the lung and an anti-inflammatory response in spleen, as assessed by the ratios of IL-1 beta and IL-6 to IL-10. The wet-weight to dry-weight ratio and the interstitial space were significantly increased only in therapeutic hypercapnia-treated endotoxemic rats (p < .05). The alveolar-septal thickness was significantly increased by 21% in endotoxemic rats (p < .001) and by 33% in therapeutic hypercapnia-treated endotoxemic rats (p < .001). Conclusions: A 24-hr exposure to therapeutic hypercapnia in endotoxin-stimulated, spontaneously breathing rats is associated with a proinflammatory immune response in the lung and anti-inflammatory response in the spleen as well as an increase in certain histologic indices of endotoxin-induced lung injury. (Crit Care Med 2011; 39:1400-1406)
endotoxin,hypercapnia,lung injury,respiratory acidosis,sepsis,therapeutic hypercapnia
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