
Minimally invasive treatment of chronic subdural hematoma in adults. Results in 116 patients]


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Chronic subdural hematoma in adults (CSDH) has a global crude incidence of 14.1/100,000 per year in our institution captive population. There is no single treatment protocol. In our hospital we choose a minimal invasive technique (trans-marrow puncture) without general anaesthesia due to the age of the population. A descriptive study of patients with CSDH and treatment results, including a laterality analysis, is presented.We retrospectively searched patients with (CSDH) between January 1998 and May 2009. The diagnosis was made by neuroimaging techniques in all patients. The preferred treatment was trans-marrow puncture; exceptionally some patients were treated by burr holes or craniotomy.We found 127 patients. Age, gender, midline displacement, hospitalisation days, and number of procedures, were not a predictive factor of mortality in the first month. A slight majority (55%) of CSDH were on the left side, with no statistically significant difference. There were 6 (4.7%) deaths during hospitalisation. In our series cumulative mortality at six months was 11.8%. Markwalder scale at admission was not a predictive factor of statistically significant mortality. An 80% of the patients received trans-marrow puncture as single procedure was performed on 80% of the patients.The results of our study suggest that trans-marrow puncture is an acceptable procedure, with low mortality, and less hospitalisation days and complications. Mortality, associated mechanisms, age, gender, midline displacement are no different than in others previous publications. We found a higher frequency of hematomas to the left, as in other series. Meta-analysis studied need to be performed to determine more accurately the frequency of this dominance.
Hematoma subdural crónico,Letalidad,Lateralidad,Punción transósea,Craneotomía,Trépano,Escala de Markwalder
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