Cd45ro Enriches For Activated, Highly Mutated Human Germinal Center B Cells


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To,oate, there is no consensus regarding the influence of different CD45 isoforms during peripheral B-cell development. Examining correlations between surface CD45RO expression and various physiologic processes ongoing during the germinal center (GC) reaction, we hypothesized that GC B cells, like T cells, that up-regulate surface RO should progressively acquire phenotypes commonly associated with activated, differentiating lymphocytes. GC B cells (IgD(-)CD38(+)) were subdivided into 3 surface CD45RO fractions: RO-, RO+/-, and RO+. We show here that the average number of mutations per IgV(H) transcript increased in direct correlation with surface RO levels. Conjunctional use of RO and CD69 further delineated low/moderately and highly mutated fractions. Activation-induced cytidine deaminase (AID) mRNA was slightly reduced among RO+ GC B cells, suggesting that higher mutation averages are unlikely due to elevated somatic mutation activity. Instead, RO+ GC B cells were negative for Annexin V, comprised mostly (93%) of CD77(-) centrocytes, and were enriched for CD69(+) cells. Collectively, RO+ GC B cells occupy what seems to be a specialized niche comprised mostly of centrocytes that may be in transition between activation states. These findings are among the first to sort GC B cells into populations enriched for live mutated cells solely using a single extracellular marker.
immunoglobulin,b cells,activation induced cytidine deaminase,annexin v,aid,igh,follicular dendritic cell,human abbreviations used in this paper: gc,immunoglobulin heavy chain,shm,anv,class switch recombination,mean fluorescence intensity,cd69,bcr,b cell receptor,somatic hypermutation,fdc,germinal center,mfi,cd45ro,csr,immunoglobulin d,up regulation,somatic mutation
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