
Degradation of Atrazine, Metolachlor, and Pendimethalin in Pesticide-Contaminated Soils: Effects of Aged Residues on Soil Respiration and Plant Survival.

Journal of environmental science and health Part B Pesticides, food contaminants, and agricultural wastes(2000)

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This study was conducted to determine the effects of pesticide mixtures on degradation patterns of parent compounds as well as effects on soil microbial respiration. Bioavailability of residues to sensitive plant species was also determined. Soil for this study was obtained from a pesticide-contaminated area within an agrochemical dealer site. Degradation patterns were not affected by the presence or absence of other herbicides in this study. Atrazine concentrations were significantly lower at 21 through 160 days aging time compared to day 0 concentrations. Metolachlor and pendimethalin concentrations were not significantly different over time and remained high throughout the study. Microbial respiration was suppressed in treated soils from day 21 to day 160. Soybean and canola were the most successful plant species in the germination and survival tests. Generally, with increased aging of pesticides in soil, germination time decreased. Survival time of plants increased over time for some treatments indicating possible decreased bioavailability of pesticide residues. In some cases, survival time decreased at the longer 160-day aging period, possibly indicating a change in bioavailability, perhaps as the result of formation of more bioavailable and phytotoxic metabolites. No interactive effects were noted for mixtures of pesticides compared to individually applied pesticides in terms of degradation of the parent compound or on seed germination, plant survival, or microbial respiration.
pesticide mixtures,bioavailability,bioremediation,phytoremediation,contamination
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