
Effects of Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitor Therapy on Levels of Inflammatory Markers in Response to Exercise-Induced Stress: Studies in the Metabolic Syndrome.

Journal of the cardiometabolic syndrome(2008)

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The authors sought to determine whether the angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor perindopril has beneficial effects on vascular markers of inflammation in patients with the metabolic syndrome when exposed to exercise-induced stress. Thirty patients with the metabolic syndrome were randomized to perindopril (4 mg/d) or placebo in a double-blind fashion for 4 weeks. Prior to treatment, the patients underwent an exercise treadmill study to a level of 8 metabolic equivalents. Circulating monocyte CD11b expression, levels of soluble interleukin 6 (sIL-6), and levels of vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1) were measured. After the treatment period, exercise treadmill study and measurement of markers were repeated. Treatment with perindopril reduced sIL-6 levels at pre-exercise by 22% and at 1 and 30 minutes by 30% and 33%, respectively (P<.005). Levels of soluble VCAM-1 in perindopril-treated patients were reduced at pre-exercise by 25% and at 1 and 30 minutes by 31% and 37%, respectively. Treatment with perindopril reduced monocyte CD11b expression by 25%. In response to exercise-induced physical stress, the addition of an ACE inhibitor differentially regulates markers of inflammation, thereby providing potential vascular protection in the metabolic syndrome.
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