
Arteriolar Vascular Smooth Muscle Cell Differentiation in Benign Nephrosclerosis

Nephrology, dialysis, transplantation/Nephrology dialysis transplantation(2012)

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Benign nephrosclerosis (bN) is the most prevalent form of hypertensive damage in kidney biopsies. It is defined by early hyalinosis and later fibrosis of renal arterioles. Despite its high prevalence, very little is known about the contribution of arteriolar vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) to bN. We examined classical and novel candidate markers of the normal contractile and the pro-fibrotic secretory phenotype of VSMCs in arterioles in bN.Sixty-three renal tissue specimens with bN and eight control specimens were examined by immunohistochemistry for the contractile markers caldesmon, alpha-smooth muscle actin (alpha-SMA), JunB, smoothelin and the secretory marker S100A4 and by double stains for caldesmon or smoothelin with S100A4.Smoothelin immunostaining showed an inverse correlation with hyalinosis and fibrosis scores, while S100A4 correlated with fibrosis scores only. Neither caldesmon, alpha-SMA nor JunB correlated with hyalinosis or fibrosis scores. Cells in the arteriolar wall were exclusively positive either for caldesmon/smoothelin or S100A4.This is the first systematic analysis of VSMC differentiation in bN. The results suggest that smoothelin is the most sensitive marker for the contractile phenotype and that S100A4 could be a novel marker for the secretory phenotype in vivo. The other markers did not seem to differentiate these phenotypes in bN. Thus, VSMC phenotype markers should be defined in the context of the vessel segment and disease under examination. S100A4 could not only be a marker of pro-fibrotic secretory VSMCs in bN but also an important mediator of arteriolar fibrosis.
arteriolosclerosis,arterionephrosclerosis,hypertensive nephrosclerosis,vascular smooth muscle cell,FSP1
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