γ-Adducin Promotes Process Outgrowth and Secretory Protein Exit from the Golgi Apparatus

Journal of molecular neuroscience : MN(2012)

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α, β, and γ adducins mediate F-actin remodeling of plasma membrane structures as heterotetramers. Here, we present two new functions of γ-adducin. (1) Overexpression of γ-adducin promoted formation of neurite-like processes in non-neuronal fibroblast COS7 cells. Conversely, overexpression of the C-terminal 38 amino acids of γ-adducin (γAdd C38 ) acting as a dominant negative inhibited formation of neurites/processes in Neuro2A cells and anterior pituitary AtT20 cells. (2) γ-Adducin appears to facilitate pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC) exit from the trans- Golgi network (TGN) by re-organizing the actin network around the Golgi complex. Filamentous actins (F-actins) which formed puncti around the Golgi complex in control cells were dispersed in AtT20 cells stably transfected with γAdd C38 . Furthermore, γAdd C38 -transfectants showed significant accumulation of POMC/adrenocorticotropin (ACTH) in the Golgi complex and diminished POMC/ACTH vesicles in the cell processes. The C-terminal 38 amino acids of γ-adducin interacted with F-actins around the Golgi complex, to facilitate F-actin-mediated budding of POMC/ACTH vesicles from the TGN. Thus, we propose that γ-adducin, via its interaction with F-actins, plays a critical role in actin remodeling to facilitate process/neurite outgrowth, as well as budding of POMC/ACTH vesicles from the TGN via its interaction with peri-Golgi F-actins.
amino acid sequence,cos cells,golgi apparatus,neurites,trans golgi network,secretory pathway,actins,protein transport
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