
Professional issues related to obstacles to midwifery practice in the Americas: a pilot survey.


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the WHO (2011) estimates that 350,000 newly trained midwives are needed internationally to meet Goal 5-- Improve Maternal Health--of the 8 Millennium Development Goals established by the United Nations in 2000. Recognizing the challenges in accomplishing this goal, it is also imperative to retain trained midwives in the profession. Little to date has been investigated regarding the factors that lead to experienced midwives leaving the profession prematurely, particularly in low resource an effort to initiate identification of barriers that limit midwives' ability to continue in practice, a pilot study was conducted with a convenience sample of 58 midwife attendees, representing 12 countries, at the International Confederation of Midwives - Americas Triennial Regional Meeting in 2010. A survey was distributed to midwife respondents to explore potential influences on work retention, including: encounters of adverse outcomes in practice; empowerment to make change in the work setting; and migration.sixty per cent of respondents reported encountering a maternal or newborn death or injury, and 10% had considered leaving the profession. Over 50% of the midwives listed three potential results that could occur after experiencing an adverse outcome in practice. These included: (a) an investigation by a governmental agency; (b) complaints about the midwife via available media; and (c) involvement in a lawsuit. The consequence most frequently cited for not enacting evidence-based changes in the workplace was resistance from obstetrical colleagues.while there are limitations to gathering data from attendees at a professional meeting, this is the first known international survey of midwives regarding factors that may contribute to their leaving the profession at a time when there is an increasing global awareness of the need for a skilled birth attendant at every birth.
Midwifery retention,Adverse outcomes,Empowerment,Migration
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