
A Transcriptomic Approach for Exploring the Molecular Basis for Dosha-Balancing Property-Based Classification of Plants in Ayurveda

Molecular biology reports(2013)

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In Ayurveda, a healthy body is defined by a balance among the three doshas (Vata, Pitta, Kapha) and ailments result due to imbalances among them. It prescribes specific plant parts/tissues collected in a season-specific manner for curing dosha-related imbalances but the plants prescribed for treating a particular dosha imbalance belong to taxonomically diverse families and often contain similar classes of phytomolecules, making it difficult to provide a phytochemical validation for any similarity that might exist among them. This exploratory study hypothesised that plants of the same dosha-curing group may have similarity at the transcript level. For proving/disproving the hypothesis, cDNA–AFLP and specific expression subset analysis (SESA) were carried out on the Ayurveda-defined active tissues of four representative plants each of the three dosha-balancing groups. cDNA–AFLP analyses indicated that even though the plants belonging to a particular dosha-group may widely differ at the transcript level, there is a small fraction of transcripts that is monomorphic among their active tissues. SESA (Tester—active tissue cDNA; Driver—cDNA from other major tissue[s]) generated 803 subtractive ESTs from the twelve plants that yielded 150 unigenes upon assembly (of ESTs from each plant separately). Cross-plant EST assembly for plants in the same dosha group also corroborated the results. Although a distinct pattern of transcripts was not observed across all the plants in a particular dosha group, some commonalities were obtained that need further characterization towards searching for the hitherto elusive similarity among plants of the same group.
cDNA–AFLP,Expressed sequence tag (EST),Specific expression subset analysis (SESA),Subtractive hybridization,Transcriptionally defined fragment (TDF),Tridosha
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