
[The Estimation Nourishment Methods of Newborns and Infants Hospitalized in the Department of Pediatric Propedeutics and Bone Metabolism Diseases and Analysis of Factors Which Determinate the Way of Alimentation among These Children].


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UNLABELLED:Despite so many advantages of natural feeding, according to the research led in Poland between 2000 and 2005, in the sixth month of life only 8% of infants were strictly breast-fed. The aim of the study was to analyze the factors which have the influence on choosing the way of feeding of children hospitalized in the Department of Pediatric Propedeutics and Bone Metabolism Diseases.MATERIAL AND METHODS:The inquiry was established among parents of newborns and infants up to 1 year old, hospitalized in the Department of Pediatric Propedeutics and Bone Metabolism Diseases between January and May 2008. The research was led on the group of 93 children (39 newborns and 54 infants). The inquiry consists of questions about the cause and duration of hospitalization, perinatal interview, ways of nourishment and parents' personal data.RESULTS:At the time of leading the inquiry 27 children (29%) were fed strictly naturally, 36 (38.7%) were bottle-fed, 23 (24.73%) were fed in the mixed way, 6 (6.5%) were fed by the stomach tube and 1 child (1.1%) was fed parenterally. 44.1% of parents obtained information about breast-feeding from media, whereas only 3 (3.2%) got it from medical staff. The most common reason for giving up breast feeding was the lack (or too little amounts) of mother's milk. The doctor appeared to be the main person who decided to introduce formula-feeding. Among children naturally-fed 21 (77.8%) were given formula in the first twenty-four hours after the labour. The factors which appeared to influence the choice of the way of alimentation, in statistically important way (p < 0.05), were: birth weight, points in Apgar scale, moment of the delivery, mother's age and whether she was breast-fed as a child.CONCLUSIONS:In the researched group only 29% of children, up to 1 year old, were fed strictly naturally. The results suggest that the medical staff (especially doctors) has too little influence on promoting breast feeding as the most appropriate way of alimentation. The health care system (perinatal, labour and basic care) concerning mother and child, doesn't promote natural feeding.
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