
Phase Effects on the Masking of Speech by Harmonic Complexes: Variations with Level.

˜The œJournal of the Acoustical Society of America/˜The œjournal of the Acoustical Society of America(2013)

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Speech reception thresholds were obtained in normally hearing listeners for sentence targets masked by harmonic complexes constructed with different phase relationships. Maskers had either a constant fundamental frequency (F0), or had F0 changing over time, following a pitch contour extracted from natural speech. The median F0 of the target speech was very similar to that of the maskers. In experiment 1 differences in the masking produced by Schroeder positive and Schroeder negative phase complexes were small (around 1.5 dB) for moderate levels [60 dB sound pressure level (SPL)], but increased to around 6 dB for maskers at 80 dB SPL. Phase effects were typically around 1.5 dB larger for maskers that had naturally varying F0 contours than for maskers with constant F0. Experiment 2 showed that shaping the long-term spectrum of the maskers to match the target speech had no effect. Experiment 3 included additional phase relationships at moderate levels and found no effect of phase. Therefore, the phase relationship within harmonic complexes appears to have only minor effects on masking effectiveness, at least at moderate levels, and when targets and maskers are in the same F0 range.
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