Personality profiles and coping styles in migraine patients with fibromyalgia comorbidity.

Comprehensive Psychiatry(2014)

引用 18|浏览4
Fibromyalgia syndrome (FM) is frequently associated with migraine. In this study we aimed to compare personality profiles and coping styles across 23 migraine without aura patients sharing FM comorbidity (MWA-FM), 28 migraine without aura patients without FM symptoms (MWA) and 51 age- and sex-matched controls, by means of Big Five Questionnaire (BFQ) and Coping Orientation to Problem Experienced (COPE), and to correlate main results with clinical features. The “Energy” personality factor was significantly reduced in patients presenting with FM symptoms, compared to both migraine without aura patients and controls. A low score in “Dynamism” sub-item with a high score in denial coping style was able to distinguish MWA from MW-FM groups with an accuracy of 82.35% (Wilks lambda=0.98; chi-square=8.99, DF=1, p=0.005). In particular, lower “Dynamism” scores corresponded to a major expression of allodynia, fatigue, anxiety, depression, headache frequency and poor quality of sleep and life.
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