Patient with bulky duodenum GIST became complete resection possible after primary systemic therapy: a case report]

Fukuoka igaku zasshi = Hukuoka acta medica(2013)

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A case was a 77 years old male. Exertional breathlessness was a chief complaint, and anemia was pointed out. A duodenum GIST was detected by gastroscopy. The CT scan showed infiltration in an inferior vena cava, the right kidney, and an ascending colon, so we judged that radical cure resection was difficult. We started Imatinib medication. Six months after the medication start, because the border with surroundings also became clear, we became a plan of the operation. The tumor existed in the descending limb of duodenum and the distance with papilla Vater was maintained, so the complete excision by duodenal portion resection was possible for it. Although meaning of primary systemic therapy for GIST was not established, it was shown that medicating Imatinib to the high-level partial advance GIST before an operation may become an effective cure which avoids an extended operation and makes complete resection of a tumor possible.
bulky duodenum gist,primary systemic therapy,complete resection
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