
Microbiological Infections in Women with Cervical Cytological Reports of Atypical Squamous Cells of Undetermined Significance.

Journal of lower genital tract disease(2015)

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OBJECTIVE:To study the role of cervicovaginal infections in women with cytological reports of atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance (ASC-US).MATERIALS AND METHODS:The study included 220 women admitted to the Clinic of Microscopy, Cervicovaginal and Vulvar Pathology of the Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics of the Tor Vergata University Hospital, Rome, Italy, enrolled between October 2012 and July 2013.RESULTS:Among the enrolled women, 105 women (47.7%) had ASC-US cytology, whereas 115 women (52.3%) had negative cytology. Microscopy showed infections more frequently in women with ASC-US than in those with negative cytology: 70.5% (74/105) vs 36% (41/115); p < .001. Cocci were present in 73.3% (77/105) of the women with ASC-US and in 43.5% (50/115) of those with negative cytology; p < .001. According to Ison score, 84% (88/105) of ASC-US was grade 0 vs 22% (25/115) of negative cytology, p < .001. Human papillomavirus was detected in 35% of the women with ASC-US. A statistically significant correlation between high pH and vaginal infections was found in women aged 20 to 29 (p = .003) and those 50 years or older in both cytological report groups; p < .001.CONCLUSIONS:Cervicovaginal infections are associated with a cytological report of ASC-US. Direct microscopy of vaginal specimens allowing immediate evaluation of the vaginal microflora and infectious agents may be a useful tool in managing women with cytological reports of ASC-US.
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