
Pde10a Inhibitors Stimulate or Suppress Motor Behavior Dependent on the Relative Activation State of the Direct and Indirect Striatal Output Pathways

Pharmacology research & perspectives(2014)

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The enzyme phosphodiesterase 10A (PDE10A) regulates the activity of striatal, medium spiny neurons (MSNs), which are divided into a behaviorally stimulating, Gs-coupled D-1 receptor-expressing "direct" pathway and a behaviorally suppressant, Gi-coupled D-2 receptor-expressing "indirect" pathway. Activating both pathways, PDE10A inhibitors (PDE10AIs) combine functional characteristics of D-2 antagonists and D-1 agonists. While the effects of PDE10AIs on spontaneous and stimulated behavior have been extensively reported, the present study investigates their effects on suppressed behavior under various conditions of reduced dopaminergic neurotransmission: blockade of D-1 receptors with SCH-23390, blockade of D-2 receptors with haloperidol, or depletion of dopamine with RO-4-1284 or reserpine. In rats, PDE10AIs displayed relatively low cataleptic activity per se. After blocking D1 receptors, however, they induced pronounced catalepsy at low doses close to those required for inhibition of apomorphine-induced behavior; slightly higher doses resulted in behavioral stimulant effects, counteracting the catalepsy. PDE10AIs also counteracted catalepsy and related behaviors induced by D-2 receptor blockade or dopamine depletion; catalepsy was replaced by behavioral stimulant effects under the latter but not the former condition. Similar interactions were observed at the level of locomotion in mice. At doses close to those inhibiting D-amphetamine-induced hyperlocomotion, PDE10AIs reversed hypolocomotion induced by D-1 receptor blockade or dopamine depletion but not hypolocomotion induced by D2 receptor blockade. It is concluded that PDE10AIs stimulate or inhibit motor behavior dependent on the relative activation state of the direct and indirect striatal output pathways.
Catalepsy,D1 antagonists,D1 receptors D2 antagonists,D2 receptors,dopamine,dopamine depletion,dopamine modulators,locomotion,PDE10A
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