Crohn's disease: clinical case and review of the literature]

Revista de gastroenterología del Perú : órgano oficial de la Sociedad de Gastroenterología del Perú(2014)

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We present a 15 year male patient with more than 2 years of clinical symptoms. Patient has abdominal pain with episodes of partial intestinal occlusion, recurrent diarrhea, weight loss and fever. Lab findings were PCR: 92, 17: albumine: 3,2 gr/dl, microcitic hipocromic anemia (10 gr%). Hepatoesplenomegaly in the Echo in TAC there was a thickness of the distal ileum and right colon with free liquid in the abdominal cavity. Intestinal transit: Stenosis of the distal ileum. In a colonoscopy: ulcers in the right colon with biopsies that suggest Crohn disease. Endoscopic capsule: ulcerative ileitis. The patient was discharged with prednisone and azatioprine but because there were new episodes of intestinal occlusion surgery was decided. The outcome was good and in the post surgery treatment Infliximab was used. We discuss medical and surgical treatment options.
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