Divorce and eating behaviors: a 5-day within-subject study of preadolescent obesity risk.


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Background: Obesity rates have more than doubled among children and have tripled among adolescents since the 1980s, and currently more than one third of children and adolescents are overweight or obese. Parental divorce is a time of family upheaval, yet little is known about the family processes that link family structure and obesity. Methods: The current study gathered a 5-day eating behavior questionnaire from 37 preadolescents (mean=10.26 years; standard deviation=1.32; 32.4% female) and one parent to explore whether marital status was linked to obesity risk behaviors (i.e., high consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs), low consumption of produce, skipping breakfast, and eating dinners away from the home) and whether family context (e.g., parent time spent with child, parental acceptance, and family routines) mediated that link. Results: Results showed that preadolescents in divorced families consumed more SSBs than preadolescents in married families, and there was a trend for less-frequent breakfast consumption among preadolescents in the divorced families. Of the three family context variables, only family routines explained the link between family structure and obesity risk. Conclusions: This study highlights the importance of family processes during divorce to understand the etiology and prevalence of child and adolescent obesity.
obesity,eating behaviors,divorce,within-subject
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