Non-germ Line Restoration of Genomic Imprinting for a Small Subset of Imprinted Genes in Ubiquitin-like PHD and RING Finger Domain-Containing 1 (Uhrf1) Null Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells

Journal of Biological Chemistry(2015)

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The underlying mechanism for the establishment and maintenance of differential DNA methylation in imprinted genes is largely unknown. Previous studies using Dnmt1 knock-out embryonic stem (ES) cells demonstrated that, although re-expression of DNMT1 restored DNA methylation in the non-imprinted regions, the methylation patterns of imprinted genes could be restored only through germ line passage. Knock-out of Uhrf1, an accessory factor essential for DNMT1-mediated DNA methylation, in mouse ES cells also led to impaired global DNA methylation and loss of genomic imprinting. Here, we demonstrate that, although re-expression of UHRF1 in Uhrf1−/− ES cells restored DNA methylation for the bulk genome but not for most of the imprinted genes, it did rescue DNA methylation for the imprinted H19, Nnat, and Dlk1 genes. Analysis of histone modifications at the differential methylated regions of the imprinted genes by ChIP assays revealed that for the imprinted genes whose DNA methylation could be restored upon re-expression of UHRF1, the active histone markers (especially H3K4me3) were maintained at considerably low levels, and low levels were maintained even in Uhrf1−/− ES cells. In contrast, for the imprinted genes whose DNA methylation could not be restored upon UHRF1 re-expression, the active histone markers (especially H3K4me3) were relatively high and became even higher in Uhrf1−/− ES cells. Our study thus supports a role for histone modifications in determining the establishment of imprinting-related DNA methylation and demonstrates that mouse ES cells can be a valuable model for mechanistic study of the establishment and maintenance of differential DNA methylation in imprinted genes.Background: Once erased, DNA methylation in imprinted genes was shown previously to be re-established only through germ line passage.Results: UHRF1 re-expression in Uhrf1−/− mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells restores DNA methylation for a few imprinted genes.Conclusion: DNA methylation in a few imprinted genes can be restored without germ line passage.Significance: ES cells can be a useful model for studying DNA methylation establishment in imprinted genes.
DNA methylation,embryonic stem cell,epigenetics,gene expression,histone methylation
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