
Polytrauma Transitional Rehabilitation Programs: Comprehensive Rehabilitation for Community Integration after Brain Injury.

Psychological services(2015)

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When the U.S. Congress passed the Veterans Health Programs Improvement Act of 2004 and the Consolidated Appropriations Act in 2005, Veterans Affairs (VA) traumatic brain injury centers responded by establishing and developing the polytrauma rehabilitation centers and polytrauma transitional rehabilitation programs (PTRPs) across 4 sites in Minneapolis, Minnesota, Palo Alto, California, Richmond, Virginia, and Tampa, Florida, in 2007. The 5th PTRP was opened in 2011 in San Antonio, Texas. This article presents the context of establishing these programs within a VA system, describes aspects of programmatic design, and shares characteristics and outcomes of individuals served by the first 4 national centers. PTRPs provide specialized, interdisciplinary brain injury rehabilitation to active-duty service members and veterans with complex rehabilitation needs. A total of 286 individuals participated in the first 4 PTRPs during the first 3 years. Admission and discharge data were collected as part of routine care, and data review focused on describing the demographic, injury, and neurobehavioral functioning outcomes across 4 sites. Mayo-Portland Adaptability Inventory Abilities, Adjustment, and Participation subscales and total scale T-scores served as primary functioning outcome measures. Mean scores are presented. Statistical analysis found a significant change in total scale T-score from admission to discharge, consistent with improved patient functional ability. Challenges associated with the development and implementation of programs are discussed. Elements of programming may be applicable for other health care organizations that seek to improve rehabilitation care delivery.
brain injury,interdisciplinary rehabilitation,neurobehavioral functioning,polytrauma,veterans
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