
A Surveillance Tool to Assess Diets According to Eating Well with Canada's Food Guide.


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Background: A surveillance tool was developed to assess dietary intake collected by surveys in relation to Eating Well with Canada's Food Guide (CFG). The tool classifies foods in the Canadian Nutrient File (CNF) according to how closely they reflect CFG. This paper describes the validation exercise conducted to ensure that CNF foods determined to be "in line with CFG" were appropriately classified.Methods: With statistical modelling, 8,000 simulated diets (500 for each of the 16 Dietary Reference Intake [DRI] age/sex groups) were generated using commonly consumed foods classified as "in line with CFG." Criteria for assessing the energy content and nutrient distributions of the simulated diets were based on factors considered in the development of CFG, including Estimated Energy Requirement (EER) and Dietary Reference Intake (DRI) values.Results: The median energy content of the simulated diets was at or below reference EERs. Most age/sex group distributions had macronutrient profiles that met the assessment criterion of 80% of the distribution within the Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Range, and almost all age/sex group distributions had a low prevalence (less than 10%) of micronutrient profiles below the Estimated Average Requirements. Overall, the findings indicate that diets consisting of foods that are commonly consumed by Canadians and that are "in line with CFG" have a low probability of energy excess and nutrient inadequacy.Interpretation: The classification of foods in the CNF accurately reflects CFG recommendations and can be used to assess surveillance data.
Canada's Food Guide,dietary guidance,food classification system,nutrition surveys,surveillance
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