
Nematic quantum disordered state in FeSe


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The unusual quantum-disordered magnetic ground state intertwined with superconductivity and electronic nematicity in FeSe has been a research focus in iron-based superconductors. However, the intrinsic spin excitations across the entire Brillouin zone in detwinned FeSe, which forms the basis for a microscopic understanding of the magnetic state and superconductivity, remain to be determined. Here, we use inelastic neutron scattering to map out the spin excitations of FeSe dewtinned with a uniaxial-strain device. We find that the stripe spin excitations (Q=(1, 0)/(0, 1)) exhibit the C_2 symmetry up to E≈120 meV, while the Néel spin excitations (Q=(1, 1)) retain their C_4 symmetry in the nematic state. The temperature dependence of the difference in the spin excitations at Q=(1, 0) and (0, 1) for temperatures above the structural phase transition unambiguously shows the establishment of the nematic quantum disordered state. The similarity of the Néel excitations in FeSe and NaFeAs suggests that the Néel excitations are driven by the enhanced electron correlations in the 3d_xy orbital. By determining the key features of the stripe excitations and fitting their dispersions using a Heisenberg Hamiltonian with biquadratic interaction (J_1-K-J_2), we establish a spin-interaction phase diagram and conclude that FeSe is close to a crossover region between the antiferroquadrupolar, Néel, and stripe ordering regimes. The results provide an experimental basis for establishing a microscopic theoretical model to describe the origin and intertwining of the emergent orders in iron-based superconductors.
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