
Systolic Blood Pressure Variability and Lower Extremity Amputation in a Non-Elderly Population with Diabetes.

Diabetes research and clinical practice(2016)

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OBJECTIVE:Systolic blood pressure (SBP) variability is emerging as a new risk factor for cardiovascular diseases, diabetic nephropathy, and other atherosclerotic conditions. Our objective is to examine whether it has any prognostic value for lower-extremity amputations.RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS:This is a nested case-control study of a cohort of patients with diabetes aged<60 years and treated in the US Department of Veterans Healthcare system in 2003. They were followed over five years for any above-ankle (major) amputations. For each case with a major amputation (event), we randomly selected up to five matched controls based on age, sex, race/ethnicity, and calendar time. SBP variability was computed using three or more blood pressure measures taken during the one-year period before the event. Patients were classified into quartiles according to their SBP variability.RESULTS:The study sample included 1038 cases and 2932 controls. Compared to Quartile 1 (lowest variability), Quartile 2 had 1.4 times (OR=1.44, 95% CI=1.00-2.07) and Quartiles 3 and 4 (highest) had 2.5 times (OR for Quartile 3=2.62, 95% CI=1.85-3.72; OR for Quartile 4=2.50, 95% CI=1.74-3.59) higher risk of major amputation (P for trend<0.001). This gradient relationship held in both normotensive and hypertensive groups as well as for individuals without prior peripheral vascular disease.CONCLUSIONS:This is the first study to show a significant graded relationship between SBP variability and risk of major amputation among non-elderly persons with diabetes.
Postural Stability,Diabetes,Amputation
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