Combined biological and health effects of electromagnetic fields and other agents in the published literature

Technological Forecasting and Social Change(2013)

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Electromagnetic field (EMF) radiation exerts both stand-alone and combined effects on biological systems. The present study examines the scope of the combined effects; i.e., identify effects on biological systems from combined exposure to electromagnetic fields/radiation and at least one other agent. Only articles in which the presence of EMF had some effect (beneficial or adverse) on the biological system were selected. A comprehensive and novel query was developed using an iterative hybrid approach, whereby articles related by common text and by citation linkages were retrieved. This retrieved literature was: 1) clustered algorithmically into 32 biomedical sub-themes (assigned by the authors); 2) grouped through factor analysis into 32 factors; and 3) subsequently grouped manually (by the authors) into an effects-based taxonomy. The common principles within each thematic cluster/group that accounted for the combined effects were identified.
EMF,Electromagnetic fields,Magnetic fields,Radio frequency radiation,Microwave radiation,Interactive effects,Combined effects,Synergistic effects,Additive effects,Antagonist effects,Potentiative effects,Co-promotion,Co-mutagenic,Co-carcinogenic,Combined exposure,Combined treatment,DMBA,TPA,Text mining,Document clustering
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