
Identification of Selection Parameters for Late-Segregating Generations in Okra

International journal of vegetable science(2012)

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There is continuing need to develop improved cultivars with traits that can be determined in various generations. To identify traits that can facilitate selection of productive progenies in late-segregating generations, elite F5 progenies of okra [Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench] along with the open-pollinated variety Varsha Uphar were investigated for the extent of genetic variability and correlation among various characters related to fruit and seed yield. Number of fruit, average fruit weight, fruit length, and internodal distance were important for developing genotypes for higher fresh fruit yield. For high seed yield, genotype-pertinent characters were average fruit weight, fruit length, seed number/fruit, seed weight/fruit, 100 seed weight, and shelling percentage. Most characters exhibited moderate heritability, indicating that high fresh fruit and seed yields can be selected through simple selection but not with high reliability in okra. Number of branches/plant, internodal distance, numbers of seed/fruit, stalk length, and fresh fruit yield confer the preponderance of variation that needs to be considered in late-generation selection in okra. Yield characters, number of fruits/plant, fruit length, and average fruit weight were major contributors to fresh fruit yield. For seed yield increase, fruit number, dry fruit weight, number of seed/fruit, and 100 seed weight were associated and need to be considered in developing genotypes for higher seed yield.
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