Possibilities of Histological Studies in Non-Uremic Rabbit Model of Peritoneal Dialysis

Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances(2011)

引用 23|浏览7
Investigating peritoneal membrane alterations caused by peritoneal dialysis fluid during peritoneal dialysis in humans is still intriguing but limited. Animal models provide important information about peritoneal changes during long term peritoneal dialysis. The aim of the study was to investigate the possibilities of histological (light and transmission electronic microscopy) and morphometric analyses of peritoneal blood vessels using a modified non-uremic infusion model of peritoneal dialysis on rabbits. The study was done on five adult Chincilla rabbits. A part of infusion system Tro-soluset (Troge Medical GMBH, Germany) was used as peritoneal catheter for daily dialysate instillations. The rabbits tolerated surgical and instillation procedure well, increased body weight and no infection signs nor catheter opstruction were observed during the follow up. Peritoneal tissue samples were obtained during the catheter placement and removal. Morphometric parameters of peritoneal blood vessels (determined with analy SIS 3.1 Soft Imaging System GMbH) showed statistically significant differences before and after peritoneal dialysis. This modified model of peritoneal dialysis on rabbits provided peritoneal tissue samples suitable for histological and morphometric analysis and can be used to study the effects of dialysis solutions on rabbit peritoneal membrane.
Peritoneal dialysis,experimental model,rabbit,histological studies,morphometric analysis
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