
Duplex-specific nuclease (DSN): A method for the rehabilitation of low-copy number DNA profiles

N Sambol,J Creecy

Forensic Science International: Genetics Supplement Series(2013)

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A continual challenge in the field of forensic DNA analysis is the amplification and interpretation of degraded and low-copy number (LCN) DNA obtained from amounts of limited biological evidence. It has been well established that DNA profiles obtained from the amplification of low quality, degraded, and/or LCN DNA samples are often of limited value due to the frequent occurrence of preferential amplification during polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The by-products of preferential PCR amplification are often observed as inter- and intra-locus peak imbalance, allelic dropout, and/or locus dropout. These are all artifacts that are identified during the interpretation phase of analysis rather than by improving the quality of the DNA present. While it is theoretically possible to obtain a complete DNA profile from a single cell, in reality, profiles obtained from suboptimal amounts of DNA are difficult to interpret and frequently inconsistent when replicated. Inspired by advances in next-generation sequencing techniques, we propose a methodology for simultaneously normalizing the abundance of PCR products across all short tandem repeat (STR) loci using the DNA exonuclease, duplex-specific nuclease (DSN). DSN is an enzyme isolated from the hepatopancreas of Red King (Kamchatka) crab that possesses a strong affinity for digesting double stranded DNA (dsDNA) and has limited activity toward single stranded DNA (ssDNA). Degraded DNA known to display peak imbalance and allele dropout was amplified using AmpFlSTR® Identifiler® Plus for 28 cycles. Following amplification, samples were denatured at 99.9°C for 5min and incubated with one unit of DSN at 62°C in a 28μl volume for 1min. Nuclease activity was terminated through the addition of equal volume of 10mM EDTA and 95°C incubation for 2min. Following DSN treatment, 21 of 30 alleles within the known profile exhibited some improvement in peak height balance. The findings obtained support the potential use of DSN treatment as a method for normalizing STR profiles and improving the quality of data from degraded and low quantity DNA samples.
Duplex-specific nuclease,Preferential amplification,Degraded DNA
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