Can Binocular Vision Disorders Contribute to Contact Lens Discomfort?

E M Rueff, P E Kingsmith,M D Bailey


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Purpose To determine the relationship between binocular vision (BV) disorder and dry eye symptoms and the frequency of BV disorders in subjects with contact lens-induced dry eye symptoms. Methods Subjects recruited for a larger dry eye study (n = 104) completed the Ocular Surface Disease Index (OSDI) and Convergence Insufficiency Symptom Survey (CISS) to determine if symptoms assessed on these two surveys were related. Also, myopic soft contact lens wearers (n = 29) with self-reported dry eye symptoms were recruited. Subjects completed the OSDI and CISS to assess severity of dry eye and BV disorder symptoms. Basic BV and dry eye testing was performed on each subject. Results Severity of symptoms assessed on the OSDI and CISS was found to be significantly correlated in the larger subject group (rho = 0.68, p = 0.0001). This significant correlation warranted further investigation of both symptoms and clinical signs. In the group of myopic soft contact lens wearers, 48.3% had a BV disorder. This proportion appeared to be higher than previously reported prevalence estimates of BV disorders. Accommodative lag greater than or equal to 1.00 diopter was the most common BV disorder sign encountered (48.3%), and pseudo-convergence insufficiency was the most common BV disorder (31.0%). Conclusions Symptoms related to dry eye and BV disorders overlap. Subjects with symptoms of discomfort while wearing soft contact lenses may be experiencing a concurrent or stand-alone BV disorder. Accommodative insufficiency and pseudo-convergence insufficiency were common in the sample of myopic soft contact lens wearers. Clinicians should screen symptomatic contact lens-induced dry eye patients for BV disorders. Dry eye studies should assess basic BV function.
contact lens discomfort,binocular vision disorders contribute
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