Vitamin D-Casein Fortification Of Cheese And Its Bioavailability


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Widespread vitamin D insufficiency worldwide and increased vitamin D intake recommendations from the Institute of medicine (IOM) emphasize a need to expand vitamin D fortification practices. IOM's 2011 report almost tripled the dietary guidelines for vitamin D: from 200 IU up to 600 IU daily. Vitamin D fortification practices vary and are largely voluntary in Canada and the US. Vitamin D‐fortified cheddar cheese using emulsified vitamin D 3 was found to have comparable bioavailability of vitamin D with liquid supplement. Our objectives are to establish a new protocol for vitamin D fortification via incorporation of vitamin D in casein; and to evaluate the effect of baking on bioavailability. Vitamin D 3 retention in lab‐scale mozzarella cheese was 54% and the loss of vitamin D3 into the whey was 1.6%. The remaining vitamin D 3 was lost during mozzarella cheese processing. Large‐scale mozzarella cheese fortified with vitamin D 3 will be used to cook pizza that will be consumed by study participants. Approximately 120 subjects will be randomized to weekly servings of pizza baked with fortified mozzarella cheese either at 200 IU/serving or 28,000 IU/serving. Vitamin D levels will be compared between groups. Vitamin D fortification of cheese is a good strategy to increase intakes and may benefit public health as well as dairy industry practices. Grant Funding Source : Dairy Farmers of Canada
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