Extension of the ECRH operational space with O2 and X3 heating schemes to control tungsten accumulation in ASDEX Upgrade


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ASDEX Upgrade has been operated with tungsten-coated plasma-facing components for several years. H-mode operation with good confinement has been demonstrated. Nevertheless, purely neutral beam injection-heated H-modes with reduced gas puff, moderate heating power or/and increased triangularity tend to accumulate tungsten, followed by a radiative collapse. Under these conditions, central electron heating with electron cyclotron resonance heating (ECRH), usually in X2 polarization, changes the impurity transport in the plasma centre, reducing the central tungsten concentration and, in many cases, stabilizing the plasma. In order to extend the applicability of central ECRH to a wider range of magnetic field and plasma current additional ECRH schemes with reduced single-pass absorption have been implemented: X3 heating allows us to reduce the magnetic field by 30%, such that the first H-modes with an ITER-like value of the safety factor of q(95) = 3 could be run in the tungsten-coated device. O2 heating increases the cutoff density by a factor of 2 allowing higher currents and triangularities to be addressed. For both schemes, scenarios have been developed to cope with the associated reduced absorption. In the case of central X3 heating, the X2 resonance lies close to the pedestal top at the high-field side of the plasma, serving as a beam dump. For O2, holographic mirrors have been developed which guarantee a second pass through the plasma centre. The beam position on these reflectors is controlled by fast thermocouples. Stray-radiation protection has been implemented using sniffer probes.
operator space,magnetic field,safety factor
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