The case for open-source PEV charge management data framework

ieee international electric vehicle conference(2012)

引用 7|浏览18
The future growth of electrified transportation could be enhanced through interaction with smart grid system architectures. This paper summarizes current literature regarding plug-in electric vehicle — renewables integration and highlights areas of need to implement such integration at a multi-utility scale. Future smart grid implementations hold the key to transferring information and control parameters between distributed and centralized decision agents. The discussion highlights the opportunity to leverage federal investments in grid renovation and electric vehicle introduction to create system-wide value from improved reliability and reduced fossil fuel consumption. An approach to scaling a previously defined “green signal” methodology for electric vehicles will be detailed across a utility grid balancing region. The research will include a synopsis of the communications opportunities and challenges of coordinating the responses of many resources. The results are expected to show that, with some variation in the charge profiles of individual vehicles, the aggregate set can interface with grid management methods to significantly influence the ability to integrate distributed and centralized renewables to improve environmental quality.
renewable energy resource,smart grid,real time systems,environmental quality,electricity,smart grids,fossil fuels,control system,renewable energy sources,control systems,renewable energy resources,renewable energy
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