
Tokamak Elongation – How Much is Too Much? Part 2. Numerical Results

Journal of plasma physics(2015)

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The analytic theory presented in Paper I is converted into a form convenient for numerical analysis. A fast and accurate code has been written using this numerical formulation. The results are presented by first defining a reference set of physical parameters based on experimental data from high performance discharges. Scaling relations of maximum achievable elongation (${\it\kappa}_{max}$) versus inverse aspect ratio (${\it\varepsilon}$) are obtained numerically for various values of poloidal beta (${\it\beta}_{p}$), wall radius $(b/a)$ and feedback capability parameter (${\it\gamma}{\it\tau}_{w}$) in ranges near the reference values. It is also shown that each value of ${\it\kappa}_{max}$ occurs at a corresponding value of optimized triangularity (${\it\delta}$), whose scaling is also determined as a function of ${\it\varepsilon}$. The results show that the theoretical predictions of ${\it\kappa}_{max}$ are slightly higher than experimental observations for high performance discharges, as measured by high average pressure. The theoretical ${\it\delta}$ values are noticeably lower. We suggest that the explanation is associated with the observation that high performance involves not only $n=0$ MHD stability, but also $n\geqslant 1$ MHD modes described by ${\it\beta}_{N}$ in the Troyon limit and transport as characterized by ${\it\tau}_{E}$. Operation away from the $n=0$ MHD optimum may still lead to higher performance if there are more than compensatory gains in ${\it\beta}_{N}$ and ${\it\tau}_{E}$. Unfortunately, while the empirical scaling of ${\it\beta}_{N}$ and ${\it\tau}_{E}$ with the elongation (${\it\kappa}$) has been determined, the dependence on ${\it\delta}$ has still not been quantified. This information is needed in order to perform more accurate overall optimizations in future experimental designs.
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