Outlook on the Higgs particles, masses and physical bounds in the Two Higgs-Doublet Model


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The Higgs sector of models beyond the standard model requires special attention and study, since through them, a natural explanation can be offered to current questions such as the big differences in the values of the masses of the quarks (hierarchy of masses), the possible generation of flavor changing neutral currents (inspired by the evidence about the oscillations of neutrinos), besides the possibility that some models, with more complicated symmetries than those of the standard model, have a non standard low energy limit. The simplest extension of the standard model known as the two-Higgs-doublet-model (2HDM) involves a second Higgs doublet. The 2HDM predicts the existence of five scalar particles: three neutral ($A^{0}$), ($h^{0}$, $H^{0}$) and two charged ($H^{\pm}$). The purpose of this work is to determine in a natural and easy way the mass eigenstates and masses of these five particles, in terms of the parameters $\lambda_{i}$ introduced in the minimal extended Higgs sector potential that preserves the CP symmetry. We discuss several cases of Higgs mixings and the one in which two neutral states are degenerate. As the values of the quartic interactions between the scalar doublets are not theoretically determined, it is of great interest to explore and constrain their values, therefore we analize the stability and triviality bounds using the Lagrange multipliers method and numerically solving the renormalization group equations. Through the former results one can establish the region of validity of the model under several circumstances considered in the literature.
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