SMART: secure mobile augmented reality for tele-assistance

2015 Asia Pacific Conference on Multimedia and Broadcasting(2015)

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At the outset, Augmented Reality (AR) technology in mobile applications is heavily leveraged. Mobile AR, as it is called is gaining popularity across all domains. This makes content security a prime area of concern. Hence it is inherent that the security and privacy concerns need to be addressed. In this paper, we propose “SMART” (Secure Mobile Augmented Reality for Tele-Assistance), a system which addresses the security and privacy issues associated with MART (Mobile Augmented Reality for Tele-Assistance) applications. We address the problem of image privacy which is a major concern in AR. This issue is addressed by using Attribute Based Encryption (ABE) method, which ensures a user profile based privacy. The identified privacy regions are encrypted using Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) and the AES keys are protected using ABE. Only the user with a valid access profile will be able to decrypt the image. A Pub-Sub architecture is used to communicate between the field and end users on UDP connection through a broker using MQTT protocol. In this paper, we demonstrate the end-to-end working of the system through prototype implementation. The performance of the system is also evaluated on the criteria of latency and packet size.
SMART,secure mobile augmented reality for tele-assistance,mobile AR,image privacy,attribute based encryption method,ABE method,advanced encryption standard,AES keys,pub-sub architecture,MQTT protocol
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