
Treatment approach for restoring the peg-shaped incisors

Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi(2016)

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ABSTRACT Purpose: This clinical report describes a treatment approach for restoring the esthetics of peg-shaped incisors. Material and Methods: Four patients were referred for the treatment of peg-shaped laterals that caused esthetic problems. Intraoral examinations indicated that all four patients had good periodontal health and stable intercuspal positions, as well as normal vertical and horizontal overlaps, and canine-protected occlusion. The peg-shaped lateral incisors of three patients were restored directly with resin-based composite using different techniques, whereas one patient was restored with porcelain crowns. Conclusion: The common occurrence of peg-shaped lateral incisors means that practitioners should be trained in the art of careful interdisciplinary treatment planning, to obtain excellent results. This clinical report describes a treatment approach for restoring the esthetics of peg-shaped incisors. Keywords: Dental veneers, peg-shaped incisors, tooth abnormalities “Civi dis seklindeki yan keser dislerin restorasyonunda tedavi yaklasimlari” OZET Amac: Normal boyutlardan daha kucuk ve genellikle konik formdaki yan keserler, “civi lateral” (Peg lateral) olarak adlandirilmaktadir. Bu olgu sunumu, civi laterallerin estetik rehabilitasyonunda, tedavi yaklasimlarini gostermektedir. Gerec ve yontem: Civi formunda yan keser disleri olan dort hasta, estetik sikâyetlerle klinigimize muracaat etmistir. Yapilan agiz ici muayenede dort hastanin da periodontal dokularinin saglikli oldugu, tuberkul iliskilerinin normal oldugu gozlenmistir. Okluzyon sekli kanin koruyuculudur ve ilgili disler arasinda yatay ve dikey yonde restorasyon icin yeterli hacmin oldugu gozlemlenmistir. Uc hastadaki civi seklinde yan keser disler rezin esasli kompozit materyal ile uc farkli teknik uygulanilarak tedavi edilirken, diger hasta porselen kron ile tedavi edilmistir. Sonuc: Civi seklinde yan keser dislerin estetik olarak duzeltilmesinde interdisipliner planlama, hekimin tecrube ve yetenekleri ile birlestirilince en iyi sonuc alinacaktir. Bu olgu sunumu, civi seklinde yan keser dislerin, estetik olarak restorasyonu icin yapilabilecek tedavi yaklasimlarini aciklamaktadir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Dental venerler, civi dis, dis anomalileri
Periodontal Regeneration
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