Designing an assistive robot for older adults: The ROBADOM project


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Objective. - The ROBADOM project was devoted to the design of a "robot butler", capable of providing verbal and non-verbal interactions and feedbacks for assisting older adults at home. In this article we focused on the following issues: (1) study the social context for designing social robot; define the robot appearance and investigate the perceptions and attitudes of older adults towards an assistive robot; (2) examine the perception of the expressivity of the robot, the social signals showing the end-user engagement level and the role of agent embodiment during the interaction between older adults and a robot.Method. - The design of the studies involved both qualitative and experimental methods.Results & Discussion. - Small robots with some traits between human/animal and machine were appreciated by the participants. As regards services, cognitive stimulation, reminder and object localization were positively rated. Although the participants considered an assistive robot as useful, they were not yet ready to adopt it. The expressions of the robot were perceived differently in older and young adults. Thus, a robotic system dedicated to older adults should be tailored to the specific characteristics of this population. We also identified social signals as indicators of the user's engagement level during interaction. Finally, the issue of the added valued of a robotic system in comparison to a laptop was raised by our participants. Therefore, various issues (technological development, human-robot interaction, social context...) are to be explored before testing the impact of the robot at home. (c) 2013 Published by Elsevier Masson SAS.
assistive robot,older adults,robadom project
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