
Multi-scale Analysis of Local Phase and Local Orientation for Dynamic Facial Expression Recognition

Journal of multimedia theory and applications(2014)

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Automated facial expression analysis is an active research area for human-computer interaction as it enables computers to understand and interact with humans in more natural ways. In this work, a novel local descriptor is proposed for facial expression analysis in a video sequence. The proposed descriptor is based on histograms of local phase and local orientation of gradients obtained from a sequence of face images to describe the spatial and temporal information of the face images. The descriptor is able to effectively represent the temporal local information and its spatial locations which are important cues for facial expression recognition. This is further extended to multi-scale to achieve better performance in natural settings where the image resolution varies. The experimental results conducted on the Cohn-Kanade (CK+) database to detect six basic emotions achieved an accuracy of 94.58%. For the AVEC 2011 video-subchallenge, the detection of four emotion dimensions obtained comparable accuracy with the highest reported average accuracy in the test evaluation.The advantages of our method include local feature extraction incorporating temporal domain, high accuracy and robustness to illumination changes. Thus the proposed descriptor is suited for continuous facial expression analysis in the area of human-computer interaction.
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