
Comparison of the Consumer Nutrition Environment Within Chain Supermarkets Located in Low and High Income Communities

Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior(2015)

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A high prevalence of overweight/obesity has been linked to low income neighborhoods. One factor that has been found to impact this association is the availability of healthy foods in neighborhood supermarkets, but study results are often confounded by differences between stores. Investigating food availability within chain supermarkets may minimize confounders and provide a better understanding of the relationship between neighborhood income level and the consumer nutrition environment. The purpose of this study was to compare the availability, pricing, quality, and shelf space of healthy foods compared to regular food options using the Nutrition Environments Measurement Survey for Stores (NEMS-S) in 36 chain supermarket stores located in low and high income neighborhoods using the model of community nutrition environments. Using the Nutrition Environments Measurement Survey for Stores (NEMS-S) 36 chain supermarket stores were surveyed. Data were compared by neighborhood income level using t test and chi-square analysis. A significant difference was seen in the availability score when comparing low and high income neighborhood stores. Results showed that healthier food items, specifically tomatoes, corn, cauliflower, honeydew melon, strawberries, oranges, lean ground beef, and baked chips were more available at high income neighborhood stores compared to low income stores (p < 0.05). There were no significant differences in price score, quality score, shelf space, or the overall combined score. This research broadens the conversation on healthy food availability and promotes positive social change by identifying possible avenues for store level, individual, and community initiatives that would improve the nutrition environment and reduce nutrition-related chronic diseases in low income communities.
nutrition,health sciences
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