Arranque suave para un motor de CD a través de un convertidor reductor CD-CD

Ingeniería Investigación y Tecnología(2011)

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This article presents the design and implementation of a speed controller for a DC motor through a buck converter, which tracks a smooth reference trajectory designed by a Bezier polynomial interpolation. The system reduces voltage and current sudden peaks in the armature circuit of the motor during the start. The calculation of the speed control is obtained from an output F called fl at output (calculated through the Kalman controllability matrix). This control is based on feedback from all states rewri�4 en in terms of the fl at output and its successive derivatives for tracking the trajectory. With the aid of the pole placement technique it is possible to properly tune the controller in closed loop. The e�� ectiveness of the system is verifi ed experimentally by means of a platform that consists of the DC motor-buck converter and a PWM modulator.
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