An Overview on Implicit Green Business Process Patterns

PLoP 11: Pattern Languages of Programs Conference 2011 Portland Oregon USA October, 2011(2013)

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The environmental impact of doing business becomes an increasingly relevant aspect for organizations, not only because of legal requirements but also because more customers care about. Most organizations, however, do not have comprehensive knowledge on how to restructure their business processes accordingly. In previous work we proposed green business process patterns that address the environmental impact explicitly as one possible solution. Beyond those patterns, we now provide a method to extract environmentally relevant patterns from existing patterns of different domains. Moreover, we present a set of such patterns related to automated business processes. The proposed approach as well as the identified patterns support stakeholders when analyzing their business processes with respect to the environmental impact and, therefore, supporting green business process reengineering. Keywords— Green Business Process Management, Green Business Process Reengineering, Green Business Process Patterns, Process Patterns, Application Architecture Patterns, Cloud Computing Patterns
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