
Motion Correction of Rodent Thoracic Pet Image Using Radioactive Bead and Mri Image

Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering/Proceedings of SPIE(2013)

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PET image of tumor located in thoracic region was affected by various organ motions such as respiration and heartbeat. Thoracic motion is difficult to estimate and correct accurately using external measurement or anatomical image solely. The aim of this study was to compare the accuracy of motion correction using PET fiducial mark and 3D MR I image. The radioactive bead for PET fiducial mark was realized from molecular sieve contained 0.37 MBq F-18 and placed in thoracic region. PET study was performed using a small animal PET scanner after IV injection of FDG. MRI study was performed using 3-T clinical MRI system with 3D Ti-VIBE (TR/TE=5.67/1.42 ms) sequence. Motion corrected PET image was c rated by m utual information registration with B-Spline interpolation to the mean image after first realignment. FWHM of lung and liver region in static PET image was 4.77+/-0.87 and 4.81+/-0.45, respectively. Measured FWHM of lung region in motion corrected PET image using PET fiducial mark and 3 D VIBE MRI was measured 4.22+/-0.09 and 4.59+/-0.06, respectively. In case of liv er region, FWHM was measured 4.47+/-0.16 and 4.65+/-0.25 respectively. The improvement of resolution was observed by proper correction method. In this study PET correction was implemented by motion information extracted from various images. These results suggest motion correction would be possible without external device or fiducial mark using MRI motion data. Motion correction using MRI should be considered acquisition method and organ region in accordance with motion characteristics.
Thoracic motion,motion correction,motion estimation,radioactive bead,molecular sieve,PET,MRI
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