The Social Dimension Of Portugal'S Ocean Policies


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Portugal is a country with a long-standing connection to the sea. While the selfproclaimed title of “Europe’s maritime nation” may be challenged on account of the presently limited contribution of maritime affairs to the development of Portuguese society, the country is nonetheless linked to the ocean in other ways. The maritime identity of the nation as a whole stems from the country’s geographical position—the fact that the maritime territory under Portuguese jurisdiction is 17 times larger than its landmass being particularly noteworthy in this respect; the history of maritime discoveries in the 15th and 16th centuries, as well as the subsequent colonial presence overseas; the numerous activities that contribute to the country’s current maritime economy, and the associated employment and socio-cultural dynamics; and the leisure and recreational functions of marine and coastal zones for a significant share of the population. Although much of the country’s past richness resulted from its maritime endeavors, maritime affairs currently have a limited contribution to the country’s gross domestic product (GDP). This observation, together with the predominantly Eurocentric attitude adopted by government since accession to the European Economic Community in 1986, is likely to justify much of the shyness of political action in regards to ocean and coastal management in the last few decades. The most recent developments in these fields however, in particular the ongoing implementation of the 2006 National Ocean Strategy, may mark the emergence of an intensified focus on the opportunities that Portugal may derive from its vast marine and coastal spaces. Indeed, after
portugals,social dimension,policies
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