Pearl Millet as a Bait Crop for the Management of the Indian Peanut Clump Virus

Indian Journal of Plant Protection(1997)

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Clump disease is one of the major constraints to groundnut production in sandy soils in the state of Rajasthan (Matliur and Sobti, 1993). The disease is also present in die states of Audhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Punjab and Tamil Nadu, and it is caused by the Indian peanut clump virus (IPCV) (Reddy et al.y 1988) a furovirus transmitted by the root obligate endoparasite fungus Polymyxa sp. (Ratna et aL, 1991). No resistance could be identified in more tiian 9000 groundnut lines, including wild Arachis species, tested in Andhra Pradesh and Punjab. Chemicals such as nematicides, though effective to reduce disease incidence are hazardous and not economical for small scale farmers. Although soil solarization has been shown to be effective in reducing the disease incidence it can only be applied to small patches, additionally it can be polluting if no degradable plastic sheets are used (Reddy et aly 1988).
rotations,cultural control,plant pathology,plant viruses
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