Quality Of Life Of Physicians From Pediatrics Training Programs


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Background: In the quest to improve their professional opportunities and quality of life (QOL), physicians enter to Specialty Residency Training Programs. However, the process confronts them to a series of stressing factors that could, in short term, affect their health and wellbeing. Objective: To explore aspects related to professional QOL and stressing factors experienced by pediatric residents trained in public universities at Chile. Methods: A semi-structure survey was designed, validated and administered to pediatric residents from Chilean public universities, contacted in specialty meetings and visits to their training hospitals, between November 2006 and March 2007. Results: 79 pediatric residents were contacted, 65% belonging to training centers located at the Metropolitan Region and 35% to centers from provinces. The residents were thankful for the opportunity to express their opinions. 78.5% were female and their average age was 29 years (range 25-40). 6/10 worked after hours, with an average of 18.5 hours/week and 5/ 10 worked night shifts. 50% reported physical health problems and 30% reported mental health problems, not related to the socio-demographic factors analyzed. In regard to stressing factors, 53% of residents mentioned the excessive work load related to patient care and 33% the lack of teaching and adequate supervision. In terms of career goals, 71% reported interest in continuing a subspecialty; although 50% of residents would like to work in a hospital, only 25% believe they would be able to do so. Conclusions: The current exploratory study analyzes into aspects related to QOL and mental health of pediatric residents in Chile. It would be of great interest to continue this line of research, adding the use of standardized tools and qualitative aspects, to further investigate the stressing factors and strengths of the residency training programs that could help to design and implement protective mechanisms for our residents.
quality of life, pediatric, residency
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