
Gravitational Field Propulsion

45th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference &ampamp Exhibit(2009)

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Current space transportation systems are based on the principle of momentum conservation of classical physics. Therefore, all space vehicles need some kind of fuel for operation. The basic physics underlying this propulsion principle severely limits the specific impulse and/or available thrust. Launch capabilities from the surface of the Earth require huge amounts of fuel. Hence, space flight, as envisaged by von Braun in the early 50s of the last century, will not be possible using this concept. Only if novel physical principles are found can these limits be overcome. Gravitational field propulsion is based on the generation of gravitational fields by man made devices. In other words, gravity fields should be experimentally controllable. At present, it is believed that there are four fundamental interactions in physics: strong (nuclei), weak (radioactive decay), electromagnetic and gravitational. As experience has shown for the last six decades, none of these physical interactions is suitable as a basis for novel space propulsion. None of the advanced physical theories, like string theory or quantum gravity, go beyond the four known interactions. On the contrary, recent results from causal dynamical triangulation simulations indicate that wormholes in spacetime do not seem to exist, and thus even this type of exotic space travel may well be impossible. However, recently, novel physical concepts were presented that might lead to advanced space propulsion technology, based on two novel fundamental force fields. These forces are represented by two additional long range gravitational-like force fields that would be both attractive and repulsive, resulting from interaction of gravity with electromagnetism. A propulsion technology, based on these novel long range fields, would be working without propellant. The current theoretical and experimental concepts pertaining to the novel physics of these gravity-like fields are discussed together with recent gravitomagnetic experiments performed at ARC Seibersdorf (2008). The theoretical concepts of Extended Heim Theory, EHT, are employed for the explanation of these experiments.
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